This is a folk song from Assam. Tokari is a form of traditional folk music in Assam, which also originates from the Assamese instrument dukari. Papon has added a lot of electronic elements to the song. This form of folk music is slowly dying out in Assam & this is Papon's attempt to give it some focus and bring it back to life.
Composer: Traditional composition
Produced & Recreated by: Papon
Language: Assamese
Lyrics: Traditional
Vocals: Papon & Sugandha Garg
Tokari: Papon
Drums: Tanmay Ray Chaudhary
Bass: Deepak Saikia
Guitar: Kalyan Baruah
Negera: Kirti Prabhar Das
Khol: Probin Saikia
Bhoor Taal: Manab Kalita
Recorded by: Steve Fitzmaurice, Ashish Manchanda, assisted by Thorsten Muller
Mixed & Mastered by Ashish Manchanda at Flying Carpet Productions, Mumbai
Song synopsis:
Syaamä raai koliaa
Ohe binändiaa
Ohe binändiaa
Boraang säraai
Kunbonè saarila dhenu hè häri
Kädäm tälè kaanaai muruli bäjaai
Kädäm tälè kaanaai muruli bäjaai
Jomunaar baalitè syaamärai kolia
Krisnaai baahiñ bäjaai ohe binändia
Jomunaar baalitè syaamärai kolia
Krisnaai baahiñ bäjaai ohe binändia
maathaarè mukoli suli hae häri
Kädäm tälè kaanaai muruli bäjaai
Kädäm tälè kaanaai muruli bäjaai
O syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi tälè
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Jomunaar baalitè kädämbär tälätè
Jomunaar baalitè kädämbär tälätè
Meraai meraai baandhibä tukè
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Brindaabänär maajè kaanu
O syaam kolia
Gou dhenu säraai probhu
O syaam kolia
Brindaabänär maajè kaanu
O syaam kolia
Gou dhenu säraai probhu
O syaam kolia
Bänxi raawè gopi monok bhulaai hè
O syaam käliaa kot aaji pälaabi toi"
Jomunaar baalitè kädämbär tälätè
Kädäm tälè kaanaai muruli bäjaai
Meraai meraai baandhibä tukè
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
Syaam kolia kot aaji pälaabi toi
This is a form of Folk singing from Assam called "Tokai" as it's played with a single stringed instrument of the same name. This particular song describes the
playful and often mischievous antics of a young Lord Krishna and his troubled mother.
The Song-
Lord Krishna's would merrily get away with mischief and his disregards towards the chores given by his mother.
Krishna is loitering around in the forest and playing his flute, tapping the beat with his feet...but he's supposed to look after his cattle ? He plays his mesmerizing
flute by the banks of the Yamuna River, blissful under the shade of a tree! The Gopis (his female companions) warn him...Wait Krishna your mother is coming to
get you.... where will you run today? But they say "your flute mesmerizes us and makes us forget everything...but your mother will still come and catch you and
tie you up to the same tree as punishment... cause you have forsaken your duty towards your herd!!"
Where will you run today O Krishna!
Source : MTV
'Tokari' - Papon & Sugandha Garg - MTVCoke Studio